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99 Roses Once in a Lifetime, Bouquet99 Roses Once in a Lifetime, Bouquet
99 Roses Once in a Lifetime, Bouquet99 Roses Once in a Lifetime, Bouquet
99 Roses Once In A Lifetime, Bouquet99 Roses Once In A Lifetime, Bouquet
99 Roses Once in a Lifetime, Bouquet
99 Roses Once in a Lifetime, Bouquet
99 Roses Once In A Lifetime, Bouquet

99 Roses Once In a Lifetime, Bouquet


Gift the eternal dedication of love with a mesmerising arrangement of 99 roses, telling your loved one, "I will love you till the day I die". Pastel roses are put together in this 99 roses bouquet with a touch of other filler flowers to curate a magical look.

Please place your order 2 days in advance. You may contact us via WhatsApp at +65 9828 3370 to enquire its availability. This floral arrangement is not available for same day delivery.


One Size | W 72cm x H 80cm