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Warm Mocha BouquetWarm Mocha Bouquet
Warm Mocha BouquetWarm Mocha Bouquet
Warm Mocha BouquetWarm Mocha Bouquet
Warm Mocha BouquetWarm Mocha Bouquet
Warm Mocha Bouquet
Warm Mocha Bouquet
Warm Mocha Bouquet
Warm Mocha Bouquet

Warm Mocha, Bouquet


More than just a bunch of flowers, our Warm Mocha, Bouquet is a work of art meticulously designed to captivate the senses. A combination of uniquely coloured blooms in a symphony of browns from the rich and velvety Chocolate Roses, peach from lively Gerberas and a subtle touch of blues from ethereal Oxypetalum results in a contemporary and mesmerising bouquet unlike any other.

Please place your order 2 days in advance. You may contact us via WhatsApp at +65 9828 3370 to enquire its availability. This floral arrangement is not available for same day delivery.

Classic Size (shown) | W 38cm x H 45cm