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Wild Lilac BouquetWild Lilac Bouquet
Wild Lilac BouquetWild Lilac Bouquet
Wild Lilac BouquetWild Lilac Bouquet
Wild Lilac Bouquet
Wild Lilac Bouquet
Wild Lilac Bouquet

Wild Lilac, Bouquet


The bouquet, which is made up of colourful Purple Tulips, White Alstroemerias, Purple Veronica, and Delphiniums, was carefully chosen and assembled by hand. Each stem signifies a different facet of your love: the Purple Tulips stand for a passionate and deep love, the White Alstroemerias for loyalty and fidelity, the Purple Veronica for your love's steadfastness, and the Delphiniums for your love's beauty and grace. With this lovely arrangement, you can express your love in a genuinely special and meaningful way right now.

Please place your order 2 days in advance. You may contact us via WhatsApp at +65 9828 3370 to enquire its availability. This floral arrangement is not available for same day delivery.

Classic | W 40cm x H 50cm
Premium (Cover Photo) | W 50cm x H 57cm