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Pink Reverie BouquetPink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie BouquetPink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie BouquetPink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie BouquetPink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie BouquetPink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie Bouquet
Pink Reverie Bouquet

Pink Reverie, Bouquet


A captivating ensemble that captures the essence of a dreamy, botanical haven. This wild arrangement features an array of pink blooms in various hues, including delicate pink delphiniums, feathery pink astilbes, graceful pink alstroemerias, charming pink ranunculus, and elegant pink tulips. Each flower, carefully selected for its unique shade, weaves together to create a mesmerising spectrum of pink, symbolising the diversity and beauty of femininity


Please place your order 2 days in advance. You may contact us via WhatsApp at +65 9828 3370 to enquire its availability. This floral arrangement is not available for same day delivery.


Classic  | W 45cm x H 50cm
Premium (Cover Photo) | W 50cm x H 55cm