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delicate love bouquetdelicate love bouquet
delicate love bouquetdelicate love bouquet
delicate love bouquetdelicate love bouquet
delicate love bouquetdelicate love bouquet
delicate love bouquet
delicate love bouquet
delicate love bouquet
delicate love bouquet

Delicate Love, Bouquet


A stunning bouquet of fresh, unique blooms of your chosen color palette. Choose between Pink, Yellow or White and our skilled florists will handcraft a one-of-a-kind bouquet that combines the rustic charm of fresh greens and the elegance of delicate blooms. The clean and elegant style of our bouquets with sophisticated details will be sure to make it stand out. *Do take note that there is only 1 style of wrapping for the bouquet (as shown in our product images)*


Please place your order 1 day in advance. You may contact us via WhatsApp at +65 9828 3370 to enquire its availability. This floral arrangement is not available for same day delivery.


One Size | W 25cm x H 30cm