Tall white and pink blooms characterise this bouquet as blush tones soften for the loveliest finish. Find premium carnations, roses, anthuriums and matthiolas arranged to please and tease. With just a light touch of green, don't you love it already?
Please place your order 1 day in advance. You may contact us via WhatsApp at +65 9828 3370 to enquire its availability. This floral arrangement is not available for same day delivery.
Classic | W 30cm x H 35cm
Premium (Cover Photo) | W 36cm x H 42cm
If you've included a personalised message, we will perfect it with a greeting card from The Florté.
Please direct customisation requests and enquires to
Standard Deliveries have a $18.00 charge. For more information, kindly refer to our delivery policy.
Place flowers away from direct sunlight, radiators and draughts. The cooler the room, the longer the flowers will last. Please note that some flowers such as hydrangeas, eustomas and Queen Anne's lace are delicate and require more care than other flowers.
Pictures shown are for reference only. Availability of flowers may vary subject to seasonality. Should certain flowers be unavailable, we may subsitute them with flowers of similar style at equal or greater value to achieve the desired look. This may be done without prior notice to you but rest assured it will be in your chosen theme and style.