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The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
Bouquet measurements
Bouquet measurements
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie, Bouquet
The Aussie, Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
Bouquet measurements
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet
The Aussie Bouquet

The Aussie, Bouquet


An ode to Australian floristry, this enormous and extraordinary bouquet features exquisite and luscious blooms such as garden roses and white phalaenopsis orchids. Wrapped in kraft paper and burlap, The Aussie frequently takes us to the outback!


Please place your order 1 day in advance. You may contact us via WhatsApp at +65 9828 3370 to enquire its availability. This floral arrangement is not available for same day delivery.


Classic | W 35cm x H 37cm

Premium (Cover Photo) | W 40cm x H 37cm