Toujours, Petite Bouquet


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Toujours Petite Bouquet
Toujours Petite Bouquet
Toujours Petite Bouquet

Toujours; Always. Tulips are a well-known representation of eternal love. On top of that, they are classic and an understated elegance. The perfect bouquet that sits in the palm of your hand and says 'Hey, I love & appreciate you everyday, and forever.' Select from 3, 5 and 7 stalks of tulips in your preferred colour palette and our florists will create a stunning bouquet representative of your love.


This floral arrangement is available for same day delivery.


3 Stalks (cover photo) | W 17cm to H 20cm
5 Stalks | W 20cm to H 24cm
7 Stalks | W 24cm to H 26cm

Toujours Petite Bouquet
Toujours Petite Bouquet
Toujours Petite Bouquet