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Just Because Petite BouquetJust Because Petite Bouquet
Just Because Petite BouquetJust Because Petite Bouquet
Just Because Petite BouquetJust Because Petite Bouquet
Just Because Petite Bouquet
Just Because Petite Bouquet
Just Because Petite Bouquet

Just Because, Petite Bouquet


Just Because, I Love You. Who said flowers had to be for special occasions only? Express your affection with our adorable petite bouquets any day and everyday. Carnations are a beautiful symbol of love & fascination, making it the perfect flower to gift someone you admire. Choose from 3, 5 or 7 stalks of carnations in your preferred colour palette *do take note that the colour option in our product images are Caramel* to create your stunning little bundle of love. 


This floral arrangement is available for same day delivery.


3 Stalks  | W 17cm to H 20cm
5 Stalks (cover photo) | W 20cm to H 24cm
7 Stalks | W24 cm to H 26cm