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The Florté | Rustic French Garden Renta Roses, Bloom BoxThe Florté | Rustic French Garden Renta Roses, Bloom Box
Bouquet measurementsBouquet measurements
The Florté | Rustic French Garden Renta Roses, Bloom BoxThe Florté | Rustic French Garden Renta Roses, Bloom Box
Rustic French Garden - Spring, BouquetRustic French Garden - Spring, Bouquet
The Florté | Rustic French Garden Renta Roses, Bloom Box
Bouquet measurements
The Florté | Rustic French Garden Renta Roses, Bloom Box

Rustic French Garden - Spring, Bouquet


The cheerier sister to our Rustic French Garden - Autumn, Bouquet, this handcrafted and elegant floral arrangement is a luscious gathering of rustic pink menta roses from the Netherlands and non-traditional greens. It's vintage, sweet and timeless. Look here for the same arrangement in a bouquet.


Please place your order 1 day in advance. You may contact us via WhatsApp at +65 9828 3370 to enquire its availability. This floral arrangement is not available for same day delivery.


Dainty | W 23cm x H 25cm

Regular | W 30cm x H 35cm

Classic | W 35cm x H 45cm
Premium | W 34cm x H 45cm

Immense | W 36cm x H 45cm